
At C-NEX Guidance, we understand that career is important for all candidates. With our experience and experience, we provide the right assistance to students and further their career growth. We have witnessed students steer forth in their careers and fulfill their ambitions with our support and guidance. Thus, we have paved our way straight into the heart and minds of students in all brackets.

We know that each candidate is different and their minds are unique. So, we conduct good career counseling and help them in the admission process to the best programs and also consider their aptitude. Through counseling, we assess the caliber of students, find out their strengths and deficits if any, and provide the essential guidance that can bloom their future.

C-NEX is famed as a top study in Australia consultants headquartered in Kottayam. With its success in fuelling the career growth of candidates, we have build repute as the finest study in Australia consultants in Kerala. We know the best programs ideal for students and help them confirm their choice with our guidance and experience. As a study abroad consultancy, we are helping students seek quality training in Australia and help them acquire exceptional training and skills from best institutes at the educational continent.

In the recent scenario, a large fraction of students are deviating from conventional education system. Even in Australian education front, this phenomenon is apparent. Candidates from global destinations are not confirming merely on Australian University qualifications instead choosing programs that are career-oriented. In such a predicament, we have assessed 3 major programs, mostly certifications based on student preferences.

These programs are:

  • Diploma of community services
  • Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability)
  • Certificate III in Individual Support (Age Care)

All three programs are imparted at GITE, Australia and they are top preferences for
aspirants planning noble and productive careers.


Planning career programs, I wanted to pursue a noble profession. I searched for programs in social work but was not happy with the scope of the curriculum offered by the universities in India. I wanted a brief program and a diploma seemed ideal. After consultation with C-NEX Guidance, I was offered assistance for admission at GITE. I am thankful for the practical training they offered. Now I am functional in my professional role as community workers and am kindling hope in many lives.

Ravi Gupta

Community Worker, India

From childhood, I had great sympathy for the disabled and victims of accidents. I was eager to pursue a career where I could support and help such an unfortunate lot. I attended career counseling at C-NEX Guidance and they directed me to GITE. I have completed the Certification for the disabled and am contributing my services to them.

Sania Mirrah

Disability Worker


Living in a joint family, I have developed a great concern for the elderly lot. Every time I come across aged persons, I reflect my mind on my grandparents and help them well. Thus, I decided that I had the ability to take care of the aged and the patience to improve their conditions. From C-NEX Guidance, I acquired complete information on the best courses in Age Care. Their top suggestion was GITE in Australia and based on their recommendation, I pursued the program. Now I am active in spreading smiles among aged groups… I owe my success to both GITE and C-NEX Guidance. They have brightened my future…

Bestin Toms

Age Care Professional


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